Guest Post from Ainsley Britain
“I can’t do this on my own, ay, no, ay.” Has been stuck in my head all day.
I’m sure you’ve heard it. “God’s Plan” by Drake is everywhere and if you haven’t already seen the video, you should. I know, it’s not like me to recommend a rapper because I’m more of a coffee house vibe kinda girl, but as I listen to Drake’s song, I hear so many Bible verses in the melody. So, let’s talk about God’s plan, shall we?
Jeremiah 29:11 clearly states that God knows the plan He has for us, “Plans to prosper and not to harm. Plans to give you hope and a future.”
Yeah, we know this Bible verse, but when you think of God’s plan for your life, do you REALLY remind yourself that it’s for your good or are you too caught up trying to figure out each step? *Guilty Face Emoji*
Not only did Drake remind me that God is on my side and has a plan for my life, but that song made me get into the Word more. My first thought was, “Man, I need to trust God’s plan more,” my second thought was, “What does the Bible say about how to trust God’s plan?” Here’s what I found:
Step One: Ask God for Wisdom Regarding His Plan
James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you.“
I don’t know about you, but I spend more time trying to figure out God’s plan than just asking Him about it. If I desire to truly walk in God’s plan, shouldn’t I be checking in with Him about my decisions? Also, how comforting is this verse? He is so ready to bless us with wisdom and discernment, we are being foolish when we don’t take Him up on this offer!
Step Two: Get in the Word
Psalm 119:105, “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Often, when I’m feeling frustrated with not knowing God’s plan for my life or where to take my next step, I just pout in the corner and give God the cold shoulder. (Don’t judge me, I know you’ve been there, throwing a five-year-old tantrum with God) Yet, the Bible CLEARLY says that His Word will guide us and the more lost I feel, the more I should dig into the Word.
Step Three: Keep Going
Hebrews 10:36, “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.”
Ya know, the other day, I was in a moody, emotional, complainsley mood and wanted to quit during my work out. It was almost the end of this 45-minute high-intensity workout, and even though I knew the finish line was close, I just didn’t have the drive to push myself any harder. Then I hear, “Let’s go you’re so close! Your result is waiting for you at the end!” I’m a result driven kind of person. Whatever I’m doing, I want to see the fruit of my labor. Spiritually speaking, I want to see the fruit of the Spirit in myself, so I can pour out for others, but the result is waiting for you at the end. Short term or long term, you need to persevere, so you will receive what He has promised.
For Drake’s music video of this song, the budget was 1 million dollars. It’s a compiled video of him giving it away in various ways. A car, scholarship, cash, etc. He just went around blessing people. Hear me clearly, I’m not saying that when you follow God’s plan, you’ll be handed money to bless people with — though, I’m not ruling it out!
I am saying that when you follow God’s plan, you’re more likely to bless others with the wisdom, peace, kindness and other various ways you’re inspired to through the journey. When I am connecting with God consistently, I’m usually serving others WAY more often and actively searching for ways to bless other people.
Side note, I don’t listen to Drake on the reg, and I just can’t see him as this tough rapper. He’ll always be Jimmy to me. If you know, you know.

Ainsley B was born and raised in Louisiana. After graduating from Belmont University in Nashville with a degree in Mass Communications & Music Business, she moved to New York City, got married in Denver and is now settling down in Houston, for now.
In her free time you can find her traveling, writing or working on her non profit,