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Social media is a blessing and a curse.

We have all felt the effects of it. Sure, you have inside access to a person’s life but you also gain the curse of knowledge. Knowing that you didn’t get invited to that party. Knowing that you didn’t get to meet whoever. Knowing that something fun was happening without you, again.

Social media causes us to be glued to our phones tighter than our screen protectors. Watching, waiting, anxious about what we might see.

This millennial disease is diagnosed as FOMO –– Fear Of Missing Out.

Living in Europe, I have been blessed with the opportunity to go to bed seven hours before my American friends. Every morning I wake up and catch a glimpse of another night missed. It can be overwhelming if I let it.

But it made me consider my faith.

I can recall several church services I almost missed that changed my life forever. Nights of prayer I considered not having that ended with an encouraging word from God. Revelations from the Bible that I would not have if I hadn’t committed to reading God’s word daily.

I’ve developed spiritual FOMO. I have a fear of missing out on what God would do if I was away from His presence.

There is a story in the Bible known as the mount of transfiguration. Jesus took three of His disciples up a mountain to pray. He was transformed into a glorified state and had a conversation with Moses and Elijah. It was the closest to Heaven these disciples had ever been — a very surreal experience.

But where were the other nine?

Those guys missed out. Maybe it was because they were sleeping, had prior engagements, or were busy that day? Regardless, they didn’t get to see the glory of Jesus. They weren’t as close to Him as Peter, James, and John were.

I wonder how many things we are missing out on because we are not close to Jesus?

The Bible says, in James 4:8, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you…

Jesus extends an invitation to intimacy to all who believe yet few of us choose to accept it. We settle for an hour long church service where many times we remain unengaged. Because we are not experiencing much of God we lose an appetite for more of Him. Being spiritually starved, we engage in dry religion rather than a vibrant relationship with the creator.

Let me be the first to tell you. God still speaks. His miracles are still active. He is the giver of dreams and visions. He has a plan for your life. He knows the answer to all of your questions. He can bring freedom from that addiction. In Him there is joy unspeakable. And He loves you.

What is it you are missing from God? It could be the next prayer you pray, song you worship to, message you engage in, person you encourage, verse you read, or fast you start that changes everything.

Don’t miss out.


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