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I have experienced two miraculous healings in my body.

One was a torn shoulder that God healed in a worship service. And the other was a hurt lower back that God healed at a Starbucks while I doing homework. Both were in 2010.

Since then I’ve prayed for healing hundreds of times and I haven’t seen much — that is until recently.

While on a mission trip in Madagascar, God gave me a revelation about healing found in Luke 9:1.

One day Jesus called together his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to cast out all demons and to heal all diseases.

When I read this verse the phrase, “gave them power” came off the page and I was immediately enlightened. I realized that I have no power to heal the sick, you have no power to heal the sick, but God has all power to heal the sick.

As I continued reading my Bible that morning I came upon a supporting verse in Acts 19:11.

God gave Paul the power to perform usual miracles. When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled.

Once again the phrase, “God gave Paul the power” came right off the page. This is liberating for me because I no longer have a pressure to perform when I pray for someone. The length of my prayer doesn’t matter, the volume of my prayer doesn’t matter, but the power of my prayer does matter.

And God gives power.

Think about it though. Who do you give power to in your life? Who is it that you trust to drive your car, watch your house, take care of your kids, see your finances, or speak into your marriage?

Very few people.

God only gives power to those He knows intimately and trusts entirely.

Both times I was healed God initiated it. While in church, I was worshipping to the song “Healer” by Hillsong Worship (not seeking a healing) and God spoke to me and said, “Do you believe I’m your healer? Then ask me to heal you.” I prayed for healing and instantly my shoulder was better — all pain was gone and I had a full range of motion.

Not long after, I sat down at Starbucks to study and my back was “killing me” (a phrase that I got reprimanded for constantly using around my friends). After complaining to myself about the pain God spoke to me and said, “The same God that healed you at church is in Starbucks” I knew it was an invitation for the miraculous so I put in my headphones, bowed my head and prayed — my back pain never returned.

I wish I had good theology of why God healed me those two times but I don’t. All I know is that God is good and He has all power to heal us and  wants to use us to heal others.

This power isn’t accessed through obeying rules or repeating certain words. It’s accessed through intimately knowing a person — Jesus Christ.

After learning this, praying for the sick became easy. In Madagascar I prayed for many people. Some were healed instantly, some weren’t. Regardless I stand on the foundation of truth that God is good and has all power to heal people. The only responsibility I have is to know Him intimately and pray for people.

I want to encourage you. Maybe you need a healing in your body or you want to pray for others to be healed? Draw close to God, meditate on what God’s word has to say about healing and be faithful to pray without carrying a weight to perform.

And remember, God gives power.

Have you experienced a miraculous healing from God? I’d love to hear about your story — let me know in the comments below!

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